See what is possible when all your energy is only used for awareness.
Our thought process calms down when we withdraw our attention from it. By being aware of the breath, we can watch the dramas of our mind slow down if we do not identify with them.
You will be in silence during the whole retreat. You will have the opportunity for an individual conversation every day if you want to share with Shunyo what is happening for you.
Vipassana is not only a way to relax and recover from the yapping mind for a few days, but it is also a deep cleansing that offers space for insight. It is a way to discover who you are and deepen your understanding of how your mind works as you distance yourself from it. Vipassana is also a meditation for the marketplace. Once we have learned the trick of bringing our breath awareness into the present moment, we can always remember how to relax within ourselves with a loving, non-judgmental attitude.
With no outside to distract you, see what is possible when all your energy is used only for awareness
Through awareness of the breath, we can watch, without getting involved, as our mind’s dramas slow down. Our thinking process settles when we withdraw our attention and involvement with it.
You will be in silence for the whole retreat but with an opportunity each day for an individual talk, if you wish to share with Shunyo what is happening for you.
Vipassana is not only a way to relax and rest from the chattering mind for a few days but it is also a deep cleansing that gives space for insights to happen.
It is a way to discover who you are and to deepen your understanding of how your mind works, whilst taking distance from it.
It is also a meditation for the market place. Once we learn the knack of bringing our consciousness to the present moment, via the breath, then it can be remembered any time of the day as a way to relax into yourself, with a loving, non-judgemental attitude.
This retreat is open for all people with different experiences of silent meditation. Vipassana is ‘advanced’ as far as meditation goes, but many times people come who are trying this method for the first time and they are rewarded immensely.
The course is held in English with German translation.
This retreat is open to all people with different experiences with silent meditation. Vipassana is considered “advanced” in terms of meditation, but often people who try this method for the first time come and they are richly rewarded.
The course is held in English with German translation.
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Kundalini Meditation
Die Osho Kundalini Meditation wird am besten am späten Nachmittag oder bei Sonnenuntergang gemacht. Sie hilft die angesammelten Spannungen des Tages abzuschütteln und wirkt wie eine Energiedusche. Diese Technik entspannt sowohl auf körperlicher als auch auf psychischer Ebene. Es ist eine sogenannte aktive Meditation mit vier Phasen. Schütteln, Tanzen, Wahrnehmen, Stille. Diese Meditation wird zu Musik gemacht und dauert eine Stunde.
Kundalini Meditation
The Osho Kundalini Meditation is best done in the late afternoon or at sunset. It helps to shake off the accumulated tensions of the day and acts like an energy shower. This technique relaxes both physically and mentally. It is a so-called active meditation with four phases. Shaking, dancing, perception, silence. This meditation is accompanied by music and lasts for one hour.